Is Upgrading to a New AC a Good Financial Investment?

If you’re going to upgrade your air conditioning system, now’s the time to do it. The spring season is the perfect time to replace your existing A/C system because of the fact that you’re not currently dependent on it – but you soon will be with summer right around the corner. This gives you plenty of time to decide what kind of unit you want.

However, the first thing you have to figure out is whether you even need an upgrade. Investing in a new A/C system can be quite costly. There’s no point in wasting money on an upgrade you don’t need. The following are some of the financial benefits you can enjoy from upgrading your A/C unit:

  • New A/C units require less repair work – A new system is going to be less likely to need repairs – not for a while, anyway. If you have a particularly old system, then you may have been paying for regular repairs already. Even if these have been minor repairs, the costs do add up.
  • Newer A/C units offer better cooling – You may not even realize that your existing unit isn’t doing the best job cooling your home until you’ve upgraded it. A new model will cool your home much more effectively than older units will.
  • Newer A/C units have less of a risk of breaking down – The last thing you want to deal with is an A/C unit that breaks down in the middle of a summer heat wave. The risk of this happening with a brand new unit is extremely slim. The older your existing unit is, the higher the risk of a break down occurring during heavy use.
  • Newer A/C units are more efficient – Have you noticed your cooling costs going up substantially? It means that your older A/C unit is no longer working as efficiently as it once did. This is normal as A/C units age. However, even if your cooling bills haven’t changed much, you may want to upgrade an older unit. This is because newer models are much more energy efficient than they’ve ever been before due to all the advancements in HVAC technology made over the years.

Air Conditioner Replacement in Northern New Jersey

As you can see, upgrading your A/C system this spring can actually be a sound financial investment – especially over the long-term. For more information about upgrading your A/C system, be sure to contact us at Woolley Fuel today.